Category: News
Postcard: A Sign of God’s Promises 🌈
Rainbows have always been very special to me, and remind us that He is faithful to keep His promises. One of the most profound rainbows I’ve seen lately was taken at the recent Kaluli New Testament dedication in PNG (Papua New Guinea). I (James) had the pleasure of working with Andy Grosh, the translation advisor…
Video Postcard: Seeing Jesus!
In our last newsletter, we shared about the vital importance for the global Deaf community to SEE Jesus. A powerful new Jesus film is being released in just a few days (THIS Thursday, June 20)! Produced from a deaf perspective for a deaf audience, this is an exciting moment and a brand new opportunity for the…
Postings: Taste and SEE That the Lord Is Good! 🎉
He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him. ~ Psalm 40:3 ~ How Many Languages are in the World? 🤷♂️ How many languages do you think there are in the world? That’s a question I…