Category: News

  • Postings: Celebrating God’s Word in 40+ Languages!

    This year has been a fruitful year in Bible translation. God’s Word is advancing all over the globe, and your partnership and prayers have helped make it possible! Their voice goes out through all the earth,and their words to the end of the world. ~ Psalm 19:4a ~ There have been more than 40 Scripture…

  • Postcard: 17 Years Later! 🙌

    17 years ago, I (James) went on a trip to Papua New Guinea to experience Bible translation first-hand. It was on this trip that I fell in love with the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and got more excited about being involved in the work of Bible translation. I also worked with a Bible…

  • Postings: Prayer and God’s Word are Powerful! ⚔💪

    🙏 Powerful Spiritual Weapons ⚔ It’s the middle of the night and your child is afraid again… You’re in the middle of a disagreement with a loved one, and it’s just escalating… Your kids are fighting and are struggling just to get along… What can you do? You can speak softly and with kind words….…