“After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb.”
~ Revelation 7:9a ~
Training is Essential!
In June, James had the chance to help teach in an online training workshop for Bible translators and others involved in Bible translation. This was a beginner course for people just getting started in using Paratext, which is powerful and essential Bible translation software. People from a number of different countries participated, which is becoming the new norm as he and his team host online training sessions. The training went well and the participants are ready to use their newfound skills to further the work of Bible translation. One participant shared this encouraging note after they took this workshop last November:
Thank you! Obrigada! Gracias! Abea unga mekajaliá! All of you who taught and coordinated and planned this [workshop] have been a blessing to me and to so many, equipping us to do the work Jesus has called us to, with more skills and effectiveness, and with less frustration. :) May the Lord strengthen your hands and hearts and minds for the work He has called each of you to. May He bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you, be gracious to you, and give you peace!
James also revised the ~250-page training manual for a 2-week Paratext workshop that was run in Papua New Guinea (PNG) about 2 months ago. Around 15 Papua New Guineans came to learn to use the new and improved version of Paratext.

It’s pretty special to continue to be involved in training Papua New Guineans and Bible translators in other countries for the work of Bible translation, all without always needing to travel around the world!
God’s Word to Their Hearts
It’s an honor to be a part of a worldwide movement to bring God’s Word into the heart-language of everybody that needs it! We are encouraged to know that 17 different language groups have received a New Testament in just the first half of this year! That represents over 4.6 MILLION people from Asia, Africa, and South America that now have access to God’s Word in a language that speaks to their hearts.
Please praise God for His work in these language groups and remember them in prayer: Warka, Diama, Bahah, Tennet, Gbaya-Bossangoa, Kaba, Ngbugu, Mountain Choco, Headwater Choco, Dakani, Gubli, Jadasir, Obopar, Obundum, Oraja, Umbangala, Vee.
(*name changed to protect the people group).
Check out this one minute video to learn about the remaining need for God’s Word to go out among the nations.
Our Financial Need
Since our last newsletter, God has blessed us with two additional financial partners. This brings us closer to our goal of reaching 100% of our Wycliffe ministry budget, but we are still quite a ways off and recent donations have actually been lower than expected. We trust that God will lead and bring the people that He wants to be a part of our team. He has always provided!
Would you pray about whether God is calling you to partner with us to help share His Word with the nations? If you feel the Lord is leading you, we would love to talk more about this opportunity with you!
Interested in Financial Partnership?
If you feel God leading you to partner with us in our Wycliffe ministry, there are a few options:
Sign up online: www.wycliffe.org/partner/ThePosts
Call Wycliffe: 800-992-5433 (our ministry number is 240439)
Mail a check with a separate note saying, “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of James and Christina Post (240439)” to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
c/o Receipts Dept
PO Box 628200
Orlando, Florida 32862
Please also contact us so we can thank you (and update our records)!!
Prayer & Praise ????????
- Prayer: James’ department is planning an in person training in PNG in Oct, and he is planning on going!
- Praise: James got to connect with many colleagues during the Language Technology Conference in Dallas.
- Prayer: For God to provide the financial partners we need.
- Praise: For the transformative power of the Gospel!!
Thank you for praying for and supporting the work of Bible translation throughout the world.
In Him,
James and Christina
Family Photo Highlights
Click the collage to see recent family photo highlights.

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