“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” (Hebrews 4:12a) (NLT)
God’s Word Comes Alive!
It’s amazing what God can do as He makes His Word come alive to us! This happened recently in Papua New Guinea (PNG), as Bible translators for the Nukna language were checking Colossians. One of the translators couldn’t help but smile and laugh, because the translation spoke directly to his heart. He said, “It’s like Paul knows the Nukna language and is speaking directly to me!”

God’s Word is timeless and crosses all language and cultural barriers! Even though Paul wrote these words almost 2000 years ago, the Holy Spirit made them come alive in the heart of this Nukna man. What a testimony to the life-giving power of the Scriptures!
God’s Ways are Not Our Ways
Have you ever tried to get God’s “stamp of approval” on your plans, but God gently and lovingly redirects you? Well, He has done that with the timeline for our return to PNG. For a variety of reasons, Wycliffe has asked us to stay in the U.S. until next year:
- COVID-19 has made visiting churches and partners extremely difficult.
- God has been doing wonderful work in us individually, in our marriage, and in our family, and we are using this extra time to grow healthier in preparation for our return to PNG.
- We are currently over $1000/month below the ministry budget that Wycliffe has set for us to live and work in PNG.
We are also grateful that James will have the chance to work remotely, including revising and updating materials used for training Papua New Guinean Bible translators.
We Need a New Place to Live…
Our rental agreement is up on June 20, so we are looking for a new place to live/rent.
If you know of somebody with a possible place to live/rent in SW Washington state, would you be willing to reach out to them for us?
While God has rewritten our plans for 2020, we know that He is in this, and we look forward to seeing how He will use this time.
Has God changed your plans recently? Please let us know how we can be praying for you.
Prayer and Praise
- Prayer: For God to use our time in the U.S. for His glory and our growth.
- Prayer: For God to provide a new place to live/rent.
- Prayer/Praise: For God’s grace in homeschooling our children.
- Praise: For God’s continued work in our marriage and family.
- Praise: God’s Word is going out to the people of PNG.
Through your prayers and financial partnership, you are partnering with us to help bring God’s Word to the Nukna people, and to many other language groups throughout PNG.
Thank you!!
James and Christina

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