Postings: “It’s like Jesus has become one of us…”

“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number — living things both large and small.” Psalm 104:24-25 (NIV)

Gorgeous PNG

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the most beautiful countries in the world! It is full of God’s handiwork: dense tropical rainforests, breath-taking mountains, gorgeous waterfalls and coastlines, abounding wildlife, and amazing creatures:

A tropical view

It’s also home to over 800 unique languages! Take a beautiful tour of PNG and learn about the importance of Bible translation in the short video below:

Your Love Will Surely Come Find Us (Video)

What Language Does God Speak?

God loves all the people of the world deeply, but many of them have not yet heard His Good News in a way that pierces their hearts. Over 200 of these people groups are in PNG alone! Can you imagine trying to understand God’s Word in another language, like Russian, Chinese, or Swedish? That’s what it’s like for people who do not yet have God’s Word in their own language.

But, God comes near when He speaks their language! One person said:

“It’s like Jesus has become one of us… he speaks our language and knows our culture.”

Excited to have God’s Word in the Binumarien language!

God’s Word to the Bibleless

Through training/supporting Bible translators to use computers for Bible translation, we are helping bring God’s Word to the bibleless people of PNG.

Training Papua New Guineans

Prayer and Praise

  • Prayer: Our sharing time at different churches in the next few months.
  • Prayer: Time to connect with our financial partners.
  • Praise: We recently went to a fantastic and refreshing marriage workshop.
  • Praise: For God’s faithfulness in our marriage and family.

Your prayers and financial partnership help make it possible for Papua New Guineans to understand that Jesus speaks their language and knows and loves them.

Thank you!!

James and Christina

James & Christina Post, Mikayla, Laurel, Timothy, Nathaniel, Julia, & Adalynn


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