Postings: Effectively Training Bible Translators and Baby News

Paratext 2 Course Report

The latest training course (Paratext Level 2) that we ran here in Papua New Guinea went really well!  It was encouraging to see 8 PNG Bible translators from 5 different languages (Awad Bing, Borong, Nankina, Ngaing, and Pouye) learning how to better use computers for Bible translation.  This was the 3rd Paratext Course that was run since we came back in May.

Paratext 2 Class
Paratext 2 Class

Encouraging Translation Progress

We were especially encouraged by Dan Tumaka, a Paratext 2 participant from the Borong language group.  He had come to the Level 1 Course in November 2016.  He seemed to struggle to learn the content and had a computer that would die if the power cord was jiggled just a little bit.  Despite these issues, he went back to his village and was able to draft TEN chapters in about 3 months.  That’s almost a chapter per week, which is remarkable!  With all of that practice, he turned out to be one of the best students in the Paratext 2 Course.  The course staff was also able to help him get a reliable computer and solar setup so that he could work in the village without having to worry about his computer.

Dan and James
Dan and James

Baby News

In just a few days, we will be on our way to the U.S. to have Baby #5!  We leave on March 13th and arrive in the U.S. on March 15th.  Our plan is to be in Woodland, Washington for the birth of the baby and return to PNG as soon as we can get the necessary paperwork (passport/visa/etc.) processed for the baby to come back with us.  :-)  Thank you for your prayers for us as we make this transition.  You can find specific prayer requests below.

Continuing to Train Bible Translators

While we are in the U.S., I (James) will be “remotely assigned” to continue working with our organization in PNG.  My role will be to continue to develop and revise the training materials that are used to teach the Paratext Courses in PNG.  A friend who taught a previous course with one of the handbooks that I developed was very grateful and said:

  • “The Paratext handbooks that James has developed are very useful in teaching Papua New Guineans how to use Bible Translation software effectively. They’re designed in such a way that I have very minimal preparation to do in order to teach a course. I just open the books and follow each lesson, step-by-step. What James is doing is a huge benefit to the work of Bible translation.”
    — Bible Translator and Linguist

It is encouraging to be able to provide the training materials for these courses and to be able to stay involved in the work in PNG while we’re home to have this baby.

Prayer and Praise

Your prayers provide a solid foundation for our Wycliffe ministry in PNG.  THANK YOU for praying for us and partnering with us in the work of Bible translation.

  • A place to live while we are in Washington
  • A vehicle to drive while we are in Washington
  • Wisdom and energy as we pack and prepare for this transition
  • Safe and smooth travels from Ukarumpa –> Port Moresby, PNG –> Brisbane, Australia –> Vancouver, BC, Canada –> Portland, OR
  • Rest and good health (some of us are fighting colds)

In Him,

James and Christina


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