Postings: Update – God is Doing This!

James & Christina Post, Mikayla, Laurel, Timothy, & Nathaniel
James & Christina Post, Mikayla, Laurel, Timothy, & Nathaniel

Encouraging Stories

As our partnership team continues to grow, it has been encouraging to hear friends share their excitement about how God is working in PNG, and also how God has been moving in their hearts to partner with us.  These stories are a blessing to us and bring glory to God.

God is Doing This!

Just 8 days ago, we emailed asking people to pray for our financial need.  At that time, we were over $1000/month short of reaching 100% of our Wycliffe ministry budget.  By Monday, God brought that number down to about $700/month.  Now, God has dropped it to just under $400/month.  We can clearly see that God is doing this!  He is sending us back to Papua New Guinea to continue serving and training Bible translators, who are working hard to translate God’s Word into their own languages.

We appreciate your prayers for the final few days: we’d love to reach our goal of 100% by April 30.

If you feel God leading you to financially partner in our Wycliffe ministry (monthly/quarterly/annually), please see the information below.

Interested in Financial Partnership?

If you would like to financially partner with us in our Wycliffe ministry, you can sign up online at

You can also mail a check with a separate note saying, “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of James and Christina Post (240439)” to:

Wycliffe Bible Translators
c/o Receipts Dept
PO Box 628200
Orlando, Florida 32862

Please also contact us to let us know so we can update our recordsContact Us.

Watching God work,

James and Christina

Post Family in Grass


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